The aubergine belongs to the Solanaceae botanical family, that is, those plants whose growth is strongly linked to light intensity, and therefore to the Sun. ROUND Medium-early cycle, round-oval fruit with a bright dark purple color. Availability from July to November. LONG Vigorous plant, tall, with elongated cylindrical black fruit.
Plant belonging to the cucurbit family, bushy, vigorous, with high productivity. Cylindrical fruit, glossy green, of variable color depending on the variety.
Vigorous plant with regular round inflorescence, size of about 1 kg of pure white color thanks to the covering foliar apparatus.
It belongs to the Cruciferae family, it is native to Asia Minor and from here it was imported and cultivated already in Roman times in various areas of the Mediterranean. Broccoli is nothing more than an ecotype, which has adapted to our environment, of the classic broccoli cabbage.