Crunchy and consistent fruit, bright green in the immature phase which then turns red or yellow depending on the variety, square shape, weight about 200 grams. Belonging to the Solanaceae family, it differs from the type of chillies, due to the larger size of the fruits and the lower percentage of capsaicin (substance responsible for the spicy taste).
Belonging to the Liliaceae family, the asparagus probably originating from the Fertile Crescent is a vegetable grown mostly in Mediterranean areas including Italy.
The aubergine belongs to the Solanaceae botanical family, that is, those plants whose growth is strongly linked to light intensity, and therefore to the Sun. ROUND Medium-early cycle, round-oval fruit with a bright dark purple color. Availability from July to November. LONG Vigorous plant, tall, with elongated cylindrical black fruit.
Plant belonging to the cucurbit family, bushy, vigorous, with high productivity. Cylindrical fruit, glossy green, of variable color depending on the variety.
Crunchy and consistent fruit, bright green in the immature phase which then turns red or yellow depending on the variety, square shape, weight about 200 grams. Belonging to the Solanaceae family, it differs from the type of chillies, due to the larger size of the fruits and the lower percentage of capsaicin (substance responsible for the spicy taste).
Crunchy and consistent fruit, bright green in the immature phase which then turns red or yellow depending on the variety, square shape, weight about 200 grams. Belonging to the Solanaceae family, it differs from the type of chillies, due to the larger size of the fruits and the lower percentage of capsaicin (substance responsible for the spicy taste).
Belonging to the Solanaceae family of South American origin, it is cultivated all over the world, the plant has an erect bearing with pinnate-compound leaves, the flowers are gathered in white, pink or purple inflorescences depending on the cultivated variety, the edible part of the plant is the tuber, which comes in various shapes and colors.
Vigorous plant with regular round inflorescence, size of about 1 kg of pure white color thanks to the covering foliar apparatus.
Medium vigorous plant with erect posture and regular shaped corymb, deep purple, color given by the presence of anthocyanins, pigments that perform antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.
Vigorous plant with compact inflorescence, orange in color given by an accentuated presence of beta-carotene. Slightly sweeter in taste than its white relative.
Plant with not very developed stem but with great leaf vigor. Inflorescence with the unmistakable characteristic of a very compact pyramidal shape of bright green color.
It belongs to the Cruciferae family, it is native to Asia Minor and from here it was imported and cultivated already in Roman times in various areas of the Mediterranean. Broccoli is nothing more than an ecotype, which has adapted to our environment, of the classic broccoli cabbage.